Maria Brunner

CHF 1.00


As an architect by education and an international relations graduate from Geneva, I now live and work in Zurich. I am also a mother of two children and a passionate photographer. A few months ago, I discovered the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI), and it has opened up new horizons for my creativity and self-expression.


In my artworks, the most crucial elements for me are color, composition, texture, and the expression of faces. My AI-generated images serve as a form of ‘color therapy.’ Each time I generate an image using artificial intelligence, I am captivated by how chaos transforms into harmony. I create various thematic series (collections), and within each series, there can be an endless number of pictures.

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As an architect by education and an international relations graduate from Geneva, I now live and work in Zurich. I am also a mother of two children and a passionate photographer. A few months ago, I discovered the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI), and it has opened up new horizons for my creativity and self-expression.


In my artworks, the most crucial elements for me are color, composition, texture, and the expression of faces. My AI-generated images serve as a form of ‘color therapy.’ Each time I generate an image using artificial intelligence, I am captivated by how chaos transforms into harmony. I create various thematic series (collections), and within each series, there can be an endless number of pictures.


As an architect by education and an international relations graduate from Geneva, I now live and work in Zurich. I am also a mother of two children and a passionate photographer. A few months ago, I discovered the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI), and it has opened up new horizons for my creativity and self-expression.


In my artworks, the most crucial elements for me are color, composition, texture, and the expression of faces. My AI-generated images serve as a form of ‘color therapy.’ Each time I generate an image using artificial intelligence, I am captivated by how chaos transforms into harmony. I create various thematic series (collections), and within each series, there can be an endless number of pictures.